Planet B

An extinct life-form is discovered on Planet B. This is a sci-fi, fantasy, adventure story, based on a dystopian future world where some children come together to save and restore the planet.

Given the topic of the story, author Ratika van Noord Bhatnagar was adamant that the book couldn’t be printed on virgin or non-FSC certified paper and was delighted to be able to source a 100% post-consumer waste recycled fiber option from Monadnock Paper Mills.

Client & Author: Ratika van Noord


Production Notes

Perfect Bound

Soy-Based Inks


Comic Book

Materials Used

Paper: Astrolite PC 100® 

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with our customers, Monadnock Paper Mill’s technical expertise and agility result in products that lead the market in innovation and quality. With a passion for the environment and ingenuity, Monadnock is turning ideas into reality.